Alternative Plastics

Alternative Plastics, a recycling company that specializes in the processing of post-industrial plastics as well as some post-consumer plastics needed a complete overhaul of their website. They had created a website on their own several years ago that didn’t even include a mobile version of the website. They were beyond ready to get a fresh new look for their website and to have a presence on mobile devices where so much internet traffic now takes place.

Squarespace was a no-brainer for what Alternative Plastics needed from their website. They now have a beautiful new website with all of the information that their potential clients might ever need. Plus, it all translates perfectly over to a super easy-to-use mobile version of the website.


Alternative Plastics


Recycling/Waste Management

full page screenshot of the Alternative Plastics website homepage

Ready to start your project?

Bryan Jernigan

Freelance web designer for Abound Web Design LLC

Covenant Kids Academy


Abound Publishing